(C) Copyright 1990-1998 Modular Software Corporation. All rights reserved. Version - February 28, 1998
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Upgrading the PicLan software involves deleting the current PIC-LAN account and loading a new one. You will need to logto the PIC-LAN account and record your current PicLan configuration information for re-entry after the new PIC-LAN account has been loaded. This includes hardware and software information entered into the PL-CONFIGURE program as well as printer assignments made with the PL-ASSIGN function.
2. Backup any Information Stored in the PIC-LAN Account
If you have stored information in the PIC-LAN account (not recommended), you will need to copy or T-DUMP this information so that it is not lost during the upgrade. In general, it is not recommended that non PicLan information be stored in the PIC-LAN account.
3. Log All Users Off of the System
Upgrading the PicLan software involves re-booting your system. As such, log all users off of the system for the duration of the upgrade process (which is only several minutes). Also log off the PicLan SERVER-PROCESS with the PL-STOP-SERVER verb at this time.
You should also log off any background processes (such as UPS monitors, FAX servers, etc.) at this time.
4. Delete the PIC-LAN Account
Log to the SYSPROG account and use the system DELETE-ACCOUNT function to delete the existing PIC-LAN account.
5. Install PicLan as a New Install
At this point, you can install the new version of PicLan as a new install. Be sure to re-enter all of your configuration information as well as upgrade the SYSTEM and ERRMSG files. You should also re-integrate PicLan into the SYSPROG COLDSTART function if you have elected to load PicLan in this manner.
6. Upgrade your user account
New versions of PicLan may include new or modified MD entries for use in user accounts. You should therefor upgrade all user account that utilize PicLan with the Upgrade Account function on the PIC-LAN account menu.
7. Re-boot your system
In upgrading PicLan, you must re-boot your system in order to load the new version of the PicLan software driver. When the system re-boots, the PL-LOAD program should execute during the system COLDSTART function (assuming you chose to load PicLan in this manner).
Some versions of PicLan are shipped with Pick host and DOS client software having slightly differing revisions. If the Pick host software and the DOS client software only vary at the last digit, then you can use mixed revision software. For example, the version of PicLan being shipped for AP/Native when this manual revision was prepared was version for the Pick host software and version for the DOS client software.
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