(C) Copyright 1990-1998 Modular Software Corporation. All rights reserved. Version - February 28, 1998
Goto: Table of Contents Index Chapter: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1: How to Use This Manual 1.1: PicLan Development 1.2: Skipping Sections 1.3: Multiple PicLan Implementations 1.4: Abount PicLan Version Numbers 2: An Introduction to Networking 2.1: RS-232 "Networks" 2.2: Local Area Networks 2.3: Wide Area Networks 2.4: Ethernet Networks 2.4.1: Ethernet Cabling Schemes 2.4.2: Ethernet Protocols 2.5: Fast Ethernet Networks 2.5.1: Fast Ethernet 2.5.2: 100VG-AnyLan 2.6: ArcNET Networks 2.7: Token-Ring Networks 2.8: Network Protocols 2.8.1: Routable Protocols 2.9: Novell NetWare Networks 2.9.1: NetWare Software Versions 2.9.2: NetWare Lite 2.9.3: Personal NetWare 2.9.4: NetWare Network Architectures 2.10: Artisoft Lantastic Networks 2.10.1: Lantastic for Windows 95 2.11: Microsoft Lan Manager 2.12: Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 2.13: Windows 95 2.14: Windows NT Workstation and Server 2.15: Other Networks 3: PicLan Networks 3.1: Ethernet 3.2: ArcNET 3.3: PicLan and NetWare 3.4: PicLan and Windows 95/NT 3.5: PicLan and Other Networks 3.6: Network Functions 3.6.1: Terminal Sessions 3.6.2: File Transfer Functions 3.6.3: Remote File Access 3.6.4: Printing Functions 3.7: PicLan Components and Licensing 3.7.1: Base System 3.7.2: DOS Terminal Services 3.7.3: DOS Services Gateway 3.7.4: Pick to Pick Services 4: Network Configurations 4.1: Supported Hosts 4.1.1: Pick Systems R83 4.1.2: Pick Systems AP/Native 4.1.3: Pick Systems AP/Protected Mode 4.1.4: Sanyo/Icon UPBOARD 4.1.5: Alpha Microsystems Pick/64+ 4.1.6: Sequoia PRO 4.1.7: General Automation R91 4.1.8: ADDS/RunRiver/GA PC/OS 4.1.9: ADDS/RunRiver/GA Mentor PRO 4.2: Network Protocols 4.3: Pick Host Connections 4.3.1: Compatible Ethernet Adapters 4.3.2: Workstation Connections 4.4: Internetworks 4.4.1: Repeaters and Hubs 4.4.2: Bridges 4.4.3: Routers 4.4.4: Specific Pick Host Internetwork Limitations 4.4.5: Multiple Pick Hosts 4.5: Wide Area Networks 4.5.1: Telephone Data Circuits 4.5.2: Packet Data Circuits 4.5.3: Encapsulation Circuits 4.6: Remote Access Connections 4.7: Optional PicLan Components 4.7.1: Pick to Pick Option 4.7.2: DOS Services Gateway Option 4.8: Workstation Requirements 4.8.1: DOS Network Interface Requirements 4.8.2: Windows Support 4.8.3: Using DOS Multi-tasking Software 4.8.4: Using Third-party Terminal Emulators and Connectivity Products 4.8.5: The PicLan Visual Basic Toolkit 4.9: DOS Services Gateway System Requirements 5: Installation 5.1: Planning 5.2: Installing the Client Software onto a Windows Workstation 5.3: Installing Pick 5.4: Installing Hardware 5.4.1: Pick Host System Network Adapters 5.4.2: Choosing Adapter Configuration 5.4.3: DOS Workstation Hardware Installation 5.5: Installing Software 5.5.1: Pick Host System Installation 5.5.2: The PicLan Account Maintenance Menu 5.5.3: Configuring the Host Software 5.5.4: Workstation Installation 5.5.5: DOS Workstation Configuration 5.5.6: Windows Workstation Configuration 5.5.7: DOS Services Gateway 5.6: Troubleshooting 5.6.1: Troubleshooting the Pick Host 5.6.2: PicLan / NetWare Networks 5.6.3: PicLan / Windows NT server 5.6.4: Other Troubleshooting Techniques 5.6.5: The Most Common Types of Installation Problems 6: Pick Host Functions 6.1: Status Displays - PL-STAT 6.2: Auto Logoff - PL-LOGOFF 6.3: Auto Logon - PL-LOGON 6.4: Remote Logins - PL-TERM 6.5: Remote Copy - PL-COPY 6.6: Kill Connection - PL-KILL 6.7: Importing from DOS - PLDOS-IMPORT 6.8: Exporting Pick Data - PLDOS-EXPORT verb 6.9: Deleting DOS Data - PLDOS-DELETE verb 6.10: Viewing DOS Directories - PLDOS-DIR 6.11: Remote Printing 6.11.1: Controlling Remote Printing 6.12: Network Maintenance Functions 6.12.1: PL-LOAD 6.12.2: PL-START-SERVER 6.12.3: PL-STOP-SERVER 6.12.4: PL-CONFIGURE 6.12.5: Pick to Pick Port Connections - PL-CONNECT verb 6.13: Pick Programming Utilities 6.13.1: PLSUB.STATUS( ) 6.13.2: PLSUB.INIT 6.13.3: PLSUB.PICK( ) 6.13.4: PLSUB.DSG( ) 7: DOS Workstations Functions 7.1: Terminal Emulation - PL-TERM.EXE 7.1.1: Starting the Terminal Emulator 7.1.2: The User Interface 7.1.3: Changing Existing Session Options 7.1.4: Terminal Emulation 7.2: PLT.EXE Program 7.3: File Transfer Function - PL-COPY.EXE 7.3.1: PL-COPY Options: 7.4: PicLan Status Display - PL-STAT.EXE 7.5: PL-DEV.EXE 7.6: PL-DEV2.EXE 7.7: Printer Re-direction 7.8: Slave and Routed Printer Support 8: Windows Workstation Functions 8.1: On-Line Documentation and Read Me Files 8.2: Workstation Setup - PL_SETUP 8.3: Status Display - PL-STATW 8.4: Terminal Emulation - PLTW 8.5: Terminal Emulation - PLTW32 8.6: File Transfer - PL-COPYW 8.7: Windows DOS Services Gateway - PL-DSGW and PL-DSG32 8.8: Setting Up Special Keyboard Handling with PLTW/PLTW32 9: DOS Services Gateway Functions 9.1: Configuration 9.1.1: File DIR, IMPORT, and EXPORT 9.1.2: Printing 10: PicLan Network Printing Functions 10.1: General Printing Concepts 10.1.1: Inbound Print Jobs 10.1.2: Outbound Print jobs 10.2: Network Printing Paths 10.2.1: Pick to Pick Printing 10.2.2: Pick to DOS Services Gateway Printing 10.2.3: DOS Services Gateway to Pick Printing 10.2.4: PL-DEV TSR to Pick Printing 10.2.5: Pick to PL-DEV TSR Printing 10.2.6: PicLan SLAVE Printing 10.2.7: PicLan ROUTED Printing 10.3: Managing Network Printing - PL-SPOOL 10.4: Time Sensitive Printing - PL-KICK-SERVER 10.5: Common Printing Configurations 10.5.1: Printing from Pick to Windows 95 and Windows NT 10.5.2: Printing from Pick to NetWare shared printer 10.6: Common PL-ASSIGN Options 10.6.1: Printing Pick to Pick 10.6.2: Printing Pick to NetWare 10.6.3: Printing to Laser Printers 10.6.4: Printing to Shared Non-laser Printers 10.7: Printer Control Codes 11: Network Interface Adapters 11.1: Default Configurations 11.1.1: ISA / EISA Bus Adapters 11.1.2: MicroChannel Bus Adapters 11.2: Compex Network Adapters 11.3: Western Digital / SMC Network Adapters 11.4: Compex ENET/M 11.5: Compex ENET/U 11.6: Compex ENET 16/U COMBO 11.7: Western-Digital EtherCard PLUS/A and EtherCard PLUS/A-TP 11.8: SMC EtherCard PLUS Elite/A and EtherCard PLUS Elite/A-TP 12: Terminal Emulation Sequences 12.1: Sequences Common to all Emulations 12.1.1: Executing DOS commands 12.1.2: Capturing Terminal Output to a DOS File 12.1.3: Transferring the Screen's Contents to a DOS File 12.1.4: Deleting DOS Files 12.1.5: Emulator Exit Sequence 12.2: Output Control Sequences: 12.2.1: Pick PC Port 0 12.2.2: Regent 12.2.3: VT100 12.3: Programmable Keyboard Definitions 13: Upgrade Notes 13.1: Upgrading the Pick Host Software 13.2: Upgrading DOS Workstation Software 13.3: Using Mixed Revision Versions of PicLan 14: UPBOARD DOS Functions 14.1: Using Expanded / Extended Memory
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