PicLan - Networking for Pick
(C) Copyright 1990-1998 Modular Software Corporation. All rights reserved.
Version - February 28, 1998
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The development of PicLan is an ongoing project. This manual represents the status of PicLan version 2.0. Future enhancements to the PicLan product are actively being prepared and user input is appreciated.
If you are already familiar with networking, feel free to skip "An Introduction to Networking". This section prevents an overview of networks, and is intended for readers who have no experience installing or using networking systems.
If PicLan is already installed at your site, then you may skip "Installation". As indicated by the title, this section covers installing the PicLan hardware and software.
Some of the appendices are applicable only to certain PicLan platforms, or to certain models of PicLan network interface adapters. Obviously, you can skip any sections which aren't applicable.
This manual includes information pertaining to several implementations of PicLan. For example, PicLan is available for the R83 release of Pick for 80286, 80386, and 80486 based PCs. A different implementation of PicLan is available for the Sanyo/Icon UPBOARD, GA R91, AP/Native, AP/Pro, Mentor PC/OS, Mentor PRO, Alpha Microsystems Pick/64+, and Sequoia PRO implementations of Pick. These implementations of PicLan have much in common and are compatible with each other in many ways. Most of the PicLan source code is identical between platforms. All platforms also use the same commands and command syntax. They can even be placed on the same network and communicate with each other. Unfortunately because of limitations and conditions that may exist within one Pick platform that do not exist with others, differences between PicLan implementations do exist. These implementation differences primarily lie in network planning and installations areas as opposed to operation of the network once it is in place.
This manual includes information for all currently shipping versions of PicLan. We have included everything in one manual to be of assistance to users who are installing networks with more than one Pick system from different vendors. At various times throughout the manual you will notice sections that deal with specific implementations. Sections that deal with implementations that you are not using may be skipped, or read for informational purposes.
The following versions of PicLan are discussed:
- R83: Pick Systems R83 Pick for 80286 thru Pentium PCs and PS/2s.
- AP/N: Pick Systems AP/native Pick for 80286 thru Pentium PCs and PS/2s.
- AP/Pro: Pick Systems AP/Pro Pick for 80386 thru Pentium PCs
- Pick/64+: Alpha Microsystems protected-mode OA Pick for 80386 thru Pentium Alpha Microsystems computers.
- Seq/Pro: Sequoia Systems Sequoia PRO Pick for 80486 thru Pentium PCs
- UPBOARD: Sanyo/Icon R83 Pick for the UPBOARD 68020 and 68040 co-processor board installed in 80x86 PCs and PS/2s.
- R91: General Automation R91 Pick minicomputer systems.
- PC/OS: ADDS/SunRiver/GA Mentor PC/OS Pick for 80386 thru Pentium PCs.
- Men/PRO: ADDS/SunRiver/GA Mentor PRO Pick for 80386 thru Pentium PCs
Many PicLan hosts use identical network adapters. This manuals uses the abbreviation Eth: to indicate hosts that are compatible with installed Ethernet adapters. These hosts include:
- R83
- AP/Native
- AP/Pro
- Pick/64+
- Sequoia PRO
- UpBoard
- Mentor PRO
PicLan version number are four-part number consisting of a major and minor version number followed by a compatibility number and a build number. For example, PicLan version is major version 2, minor version 0, compatibility number 0, and build number 17. When installing PicLan, it is necessary that the major, minor, and compatibility version numbers for all PicLan systems (both servers and clients) match. The build number does not need to match. This means that PicLan version will talk to PicLan version, but not to PicLan version
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