PicLan - Networking for Pick
(C) Copyright 1990-1998 Modular Software Corporation. All rights reserved.
Version - February 28, 1998
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PicLan includes functions that are designed specifically for Microsoft Windows. While PicLan DOS functions may be used within a Windows environment, these Windows specific program add functionality and versatility.
Each of these functions is available as an icon in the PicLan program group.
The PicLan Windows install includes a large amount of on-line documentation including release notes and an on-line manual. This documentation is shipped in Windows help format and is accessable from the PicLan group.
The PL_SETUP program is used to initially setup the PicLan drivers for execution under Windows. PL_SETUP will sense the type of Windows installation you are running and then configuration the PicLan configuration files and copy the necessary program files to your Windows directories. You should always use the PL_SETUP program to install PicLan's driver layers into Microsoft Windows.
The PL-STATW program is a network status display program written as a Windows application. It has the same uses as the DOS PL-STAT program. PL-STATW supports the -v command-line option to disable DLL version checking.
The PLTW program is a Windows application that performs the same terminal emulation functions as does the PLT single-session DOS emulator. Because the Windows environment itself multi-tasks, you can use multiple sessions by simply executing the PLTW program multiple times. The PLTW program is designed to keep it's own "state" information. This way, the programs appearance and connection information will be maintained from execution to execution (this information is stored in the PICLAN.INI file in the Windows directory).
The following command-line options are available for the PLTW program:
- -v Ignore DLL version checking. This allows one version of PLTW to be used in conjunction with other versions of PLAN.DLL, and PLTWD.DLL. Use this option with care in that not all versions of PLTW and it's supporting DLLs are compatible with each other.
- -e Disable options to setup emulation and font setting.
- server {port} You can specify the Pick host name and port number on the command line. If you run PLTW with these options, the Session Connect and Disconnect options are removed.
Windows 95 and Windows NT systems can also use PLTW32. This program is identical to the PLTW program with the exception of being a native 32-bit application. In 32-bit environments, 32-bit applications multi-task more smoothly and in the case of PLTW32, run more responsively. PLTW32 supports the same options as PLTW.
The PL-COPYW program is a Windows version of the DOS PL-COPY program that can be used to copy DOS files to and from Pick items. PL-COPYW provides a graphical interface that allows you to browse Pick accounts, files, and items. PL-COPYW supports the -v command-line option to disable DLL version checking.
The PicLan Windows version of the DOS Services Gateway is implemented as either a 16-bit or 32-bit Windows application that can be run either displayed or minimized. The 32-bit DSG supports long file names. PL-DSGW and PL-DSG32 support the -v command-line option to disable DLL version checking.
The PLTW and PLTW32 program can use user-defined keyboard codes. This is intended to allow international users to customize PicLan so that non-English keyboards can be used. The extended keyboard functions are stored within the PL-CFG.INI file. In order to enable extended keyboard processing, you must set:
Once extended keyboard processing is enabled, you then create a new section in the PL-CFG.INI file that defines each keyboard scan-code that you wish to process as:
The number to the left of the equal sign represents the decimal number of the key scan-code. The 16 numbers to the right of the equal sign represent the ASCII value that you wish that key to generate.
If you wish to find out what key scan-code is generated, you can set:
This setting will add a new menu item to the 'Options' menu in PLTW and PLTW32. If you run this option, the key scan code for keys that you press will be displayed.
The 16 values that you enter represent all of the possible combinations of using a key in conjunction with the shift, ctrl, alt, and caps-lock keys. The 16 values are for:
0 - Key pressed alone
1 - Key pressed with shift
2 - Key pressed with ctrl
3 - Key pressed with shift and ctrl
4 - key pressed with alt
5 - key pressed with shift and alt
6 - key pressed with ctrl and alt
7 - key pressed with shift, ctrl, and alt
8 - key pressed with caps-lock on
9 - key pressed with shift and caps-lock on
10 - key pressed with ctrl and caps-lock on
11 - key pressed with shift, ctrl, and caps-lock on
12 - key pressed with alt and caps-lock on
13 - key pressed with shift, alt, and caps-lock on
14 - key pressed with ctrl, alt, and caps-lock on
15 - key pressed with shift, ctrl, alt, and caps-lock on
You must enter all 16 values for all scan-codes that you wish to enable. If you do not want to generate an ASCII character for a particular scan code, enter the value as zero.
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