Full-View - Windows for Pick
(C) Copyright 1985-1996 Modular Software Corporation. All rights reserved.
Version 2.0 for AP - February 14, 1996
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FULL-VIEW is implemented as a combination of Pick BASIC, ASSEMBLER, and MONITOR code. As such, you should take a few steps to protect your data when installing FULL-VIEW.
- You should perform a FILE-SAVE prior to loading FULL-VIEW. This FILE-SAVE is not likely to be used, but in case something goes astray, having a copy of your data is good insurance.
- You should log users off of your system and allow it to write all frames to disk.
These steps are just suggestions. FULL-VIEW has been loaded successfully onto live systems with a large number of active users without problems.
Installing FULL-VIEW on the Pick system involves the following:
- Loading the FULL-VIEW account which contains all of the programs, data files, and drivers necessary for FULL-VIEW to operate.
- Booting the system to load the FULL-VIEW ABS and MONITOR code.
- Specifying the terminal configuration for each terminal on the system.
- Setting up the user accounts which need to utilize FULL-VIEW.
- Starting windowing for each port or application that is to use FULL-VIEW.
FULL-VIEW is distributed on Pick tape media. On most systems, this means on 3.5" diskettes. To install FULL-VIEW onto your system, you perform the following steps.
Specific information about loading FULL-VIEW is included in on-line documentation included with FULL-VIEW. In that this information can change quite frequently and is nearly always different for each type of system on which FULL-VIEW is loaded, it will not be discussed in detail here.
FULL-VIEW is distributed on 3.5" floppy diskettes for most Pick systems. These diskettes contain Pick T-DUMP and ACCOUNT-SAVE files that comprise the FULL-VIEW installation. To load these diskettes onto your system, you execute the following steps:
This example assumes that the FULL-VIEW diskette is high density and is loaded into the 'A' diskette drive. You should substitute the appropriate drive letter and density for yor Pick system.
When the INSTALL proc executes, it will restore an account names FULL-VIEW, copy a number of items into the system ERRMSG file, and add a command to the SYSTEM-COLDSTART routine that actually loads the run-time FULL-VIEW ABS and MONITOR code. You then need to shutdown and reboot your system to actually execute the FULL-VIEW startup proceedure.
FULL-VIEW has code that resides in the system ABS area. With Advanced Pick, the ABS area consists of a linear set of executable frames and an associated Pick data file that cross-references these frames. FULL-VIEW will automatically manage the system ABS area and no additional user intervention, even in the case of system restores, should be necessary.
If you have applications that use ABS files other than the system boot ABS file, then you should always load FULL-VIEW prior to building your second ABS file. This will cause FULL-VIEW functions to be included in your second ABS file as well as in the primary ABS file.
As soon as FULL-VIEW is loaded, you should set up a terminal driver for the port that you are going to initially operate on. Terminal drivers must be established for each port which will be enabled for FULL-VIEW. Terminal drivers are established using the SETUP FULL-VIEW PORTS selection on the FULL-VIEW account menu.
FULL-VIEW terminal drivers have descriptive names. These drivers are actually definition items held in a data file. To list the available drivers, choose the selection on the FULL-VIEW account menu that runs an ACCESS listing of the terminal drivers. Hopefully, you will see an appropriate driver for the terminal that you are using. Some common drivers are:
- PICK.MONO A monochrome (not composite) PC port 0 monitor
- PICK.COLOR A color (or composite) PC port 0 monitor
- FUJ.COLOR A color Fujitsu port 0 monitor
- WY60 A Wyse 60 in native emulation mode
- WY50 A Wyse 50 in native emulation mode
- WY50-VP A Wyse 50 in viewpoint emulation mode with enhanced on
If your terminal definition is not listed above or in the ACCESS listing of supplied terminals, you will need to define your own driver table.
Carefully read the section in this manual on terminal driver definitions, then refer to your terminal manual to determine what control sequences drive your terminal for nearly every conceivable function. Manually enter a new terminal table using the DEFINE FULL-VIEW TERMINAL selection on the FULL-VIEW account menu.
If you hit something that stumps you, contact Modular Software Corporation for technical support. Actually, defining a terminal is not that difficult once you are familiar with the process.
When you loaded FULL-VIEW, you also loaded several demonstration programs and items. You can try them out as soon as you have established a terminal driver for your port. The demo is accessed from the FULL-VIEW account menu, and begins at a menu in a window which nests to other menus in smaller windows. The demo account includes several example functions as well as providing access to on-line help for most FULL-VIEW topics. In fact, late additions that may not have made it to the manual will appear in the on-line help.
When you first enter the demo, you will be presented with a FULL-VIEW window oriented menu. Operating the menus is quite easy. Simply press a key to execute a desired menu selection, or, use the cursor keys or space bar to highlight the desired selection and press the [RETURN] to execute the selection.
The demo menu has selections that demonstrate windowing functions, data-entry functions, SMART-TREE lookup and DEFINE-KEY functions, as well as other topics of interest to users and software developers.
There is a considerable amount of sample source code shipped with FULL-VIEW. Included are sample data-entry functions, logon PROCs showing Hot-Key setup, BASIC programs which manage multiple windows, menu definitions and help definitions. Please browse this account around to get a feel for how things work.
Once you have browsed around the FULL-VIEW demo, you will probably want to set up your own account. To do this, create the account if it does not already exist. Select the ENABLE FULL-VIEW ACCOUNT selection on the FULL-VIEW account menu. This selection will copy verb definitions and file pointers into your account master dictionary. Your account is now ready to run with FULL-VIEW activated. Note that the upgrade account function is more than a simple copy. It actually checks the destination first and will warn you of items that are being overwritten during the copy process. This allows you to react to FULL-VIEW MD items that may overlay items that are already in the destination account.
Next, you will probably want to add some commands to the logon PROC in your account. Specifically, you will want to add:
These commands will first start the windowing function for your port and then enable a few utility Hot-Keys for your port. Pressing F12 will cause you to enter a level-pushed TCL shell, and PRINT will print the current screen to the system spooler.
After you have executed this new logon PROC, you should notice that you are operating with a TERMTYPE of "mm-mon". This TERMTYPE letter is matches the "virtual terminal" of FULL-VIEW, regardless of what actual terminal type you are using.
You will now need to create some data files if you are going to use some of the FULL-VIEW utility functions. These data files are SCR.SOURCE and SCR.OBJ if you are going to use the data entry screens, MENU.SOURCE and MENU.OBJ if you are going to use the menu processor, and HELP.SOURCE and HELP.OBJ if you are going to use the help window painter and subroutines. Actually, you may not want to create these files in your development account but actually in another account that is used to hold program-type files. Then set up Q-pointers to these files from many different accounts.
You are now ready to start working with FULL-VIEW.
If the FULL-VIEW functions don't seem to be working properly, here are a few things to check:
- If your screen doesn't look right in the demo account, you probably have an improper terminal driver setup. Check the driver and also check to be sure that your terminal is in the proper emulation mode.
- If your screen still doesn't look right, check to be sure that windowing is turned on and that the TERMTYPE is set to "mm-mon". Type TERM at TCL to check this. If it is not, a FV-INITPORT command at TCL should activate windowing.
- If function keys or cursor keys on your keyboard do not work correctly, this means that the characters they are sending do not match the characters in the terminal driver table. The driver tables are usually designed for the factory default function key definitions. Programming other strings into terminal function keys will prevent them from operating with FULL-VIEW. Try programming the shifted function keys for your application response strings and leaving the un-shifted function keys in default mode.
Try to keep your first attempts at interfacing to FULL-VIEW simple. Start with a simple, small, existing data-entry type function. Allow the function to run full-screen and simply interface the Hot-Keys to it. To do this, simply re-compile the application's basic programs (and all of the called subroutines) with the 'PC' verb. Then when you run the application, the Hot-Keys you have set up should work.
Next, try starting a window on the screen with a command like:
START-WINDOW 5,75,2,22
This should make the effective screen area somewhat smaller. You should now be able to run your application within this smaller window. Of course, it is likely that your application will not fit, but you get the idea anyway. To reset the screen to full-size, type:
This is your first windowing application. Notice how you have not written any program code in order the use windowing.
This should get you started. For additional information and examples, refer to the FULL-VIEW Demo examples and the on-line help included with FULL-VIEW.
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