Modular Software Corporation
Year 2000 Compliance Page

Last updated January 4, 2000

January 4, 2000 - Update

Systems at Modular Software appear to have transitioned through Y2K without incident. Even very old, non-Pick, DOS systems faired very well including some old 386 systems running fax and email servers.

One small Y2K bug reported

One customer has reported an apparent Y2K bug in the PicLan VB SDK toolkit. If you are using the VB SDK then you may want to check here.

A number of users have asked about Modular Software products and how them may impact and interact with Year 2000 operational issues.

Products that are NOT from Modular Software

Modular Software Corporation occasionally gets information requests about products that are from "Modular Software", but are not from our company "Modular Software Corporation".  The following products are NOT products of Modular Software Corporation:
If you are looking for information on these products, you will have to locate the company(s) that actually produces or distributes them.

First the Legal Statement:

All Modular Software products are licensed pursuant to the terms and conditions of an end-user license agreement.  One aspect of this agreement is for Modular Software to disclaim all warranties.  This is a standard clause in nearly every software product in existence.  In terms of Year 2000 issues, this means that Modular Software cannot be held responsible for any malfunction that the new century may bring.  Modular Software does not guarantee that it's products will be free of defects or will operate without interruption.  Testing of our products to perform a particular task is completely the responsibility of the end-user.

Now for some practical information:

Now that the legalese is over with, Modular Software does strive to produce quality software products.  It is our intent that these products should function without regard to Year 2000 issues.  You should be aware of the following aspects:

If Modular Software does discover a Year 2000 issue with one of our software packages, then we will disclose that here.  Depending on the severity and scope of the issue, we may choose to a) do nothing, b) document a workaround, or c) release a new version of the software.  Remember, that in no event are we obligated to do any of this under the terms of the applicable software license agreement.  Also remember that any action that we take may not be applicable to older releases of our software products and obtaining new releases may involve an upgrade fee or active support contract.

You should also note that date processing within Modular Software's products are generally handled with standard Pick date conversion functions like ans=ICONV(var,'D'). This means that PicLan is as Y2K compliant as the underlying Pick implemnetation. Most Pick implementations are believed to be Y2K compliant including older releases such as R83 from Pick systems which dates back more than 15 years. You should be aware that just because Pick and PicLan are Y2K compliant does not mean that your hardware is. Many PC system can have BIOS problems with Y2K. If your system is one of these, you do not need to replace the system. Just set the system date back 10 years and run a program when Pick is booted to forward the Pick clock.

Product by product information







If you see something that worries you:

If you are testing for Year 2000 issues and are concerned about the specific behavior of one of our products, please check here first, and if you do not see the information that you need, contact us.  The best method is to email If you are really desperate, you can call or fax us at our regular number.

Remember that MultiValue systems are comparatively immune from Year 2000 issues.  January 1, 2000 is just day 11689.  If you are an end-user with a mandate to guarantee Year 2000 compliance, we cannot give you this as a legal guarantee.  We will try to keep you informed about any Year 2000 issues that we encounter.

Thank you,
Doug Dumitru
Modular Software Corporation