PL200GE.ZIP - Notes
PicLan host install for Pick/64+ 2.3 build
January 23, 1997
This release has beta status
This release adds a number of new features and capabilities to PicLan
for Pick/64+ version 2.3
Pick/64+ release 2.2 is not supported with this release.
The following new features are included:
A Forward Link Zero "suspected" bug in PL-COPY when transferring large
number of items has been corrected. This bug was originally identified
on the Mentor PRO version of PicLan and appear to exist on all platforms.
The PicLan driver has been ported to 32-bit flat-model from it's original
multi-segment 16-bit protected mode implementation. This enables
a number of new capabilities:
The PicLan driver should be slightly faster and more efficient, although
this may be difficult to actually test.
Digital chipset PCI network cards are now supported.
As of 1/23/97, the PCI code has not been tested at Modular Software
PicLan-IP TCP/IP functionality is now available with PicLan-IP build
General Status
As of January 23, 1998, this release has only been briefly tested at Modular
Software. Use care when loading this release onto production systems.