PicLan Version Release Announcement
(C) Copyright 1990-1997 Modular Software Corporation. All rights reserved.
For more information about PicLan contact: sales@modsoft.com
or visit http://modsoft.com
PicLan version is currently being released for all client platforms
January 29, 1998
PicLan verison is currently being released as a client-only
release. This release may be used in conjunction with any 2.0.0.x
server release.
New Features
DBCS Support
This release includes terminal emulation support for DBCS languages.
It is been tested specifically with Windows 95 - Japanese. Supported
features include bidirectional character-set translation allowing the Pick
host system to store DBCS sequences that contain system delimiters.
32-bit Windows DSG
The PL-DSG32.EXE program operates under Windows 95 and Windows NT as a
32-bit PicLan DOS Services Gateway. This release includes support
Transparent printing to through the Windows spooler
Use PL-ASSIGN #=dsg!WIN ... syntax
PL-ASSIGN 10=DSG!WIN PrinterName
PL-ASSIGN 10=DSG!WIN //Server/ShareName
Long file name support during file transfer operations
Use of Winsock 2
The PLAN32S.EXE helper application has been modified to use WS2_32.DLL
instead of WSOCK32.DLL.
User Definable Winsock DLL
You can add an entry to PL-CFG.INI to cause PLAN32S.EXE to use an alternate
Windows Socket DLL. This is intended for environments where the Microsoft
WS2_32.DLL has been replaced by another vendors DLL and this 3rd-party
Winsock provider does not supply adequate IPX support. You enter
the path to the desired DLL in PL-CFG.INI as: